Our healing souls,
We have officially hit a year since the Coronavirus has caused lockdowns across the world. And as frustrating as it has been being shut away and closed off, I know so many people around the world, have lost loved ones to this pandemic and I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that many of us have been affected and we at TwinFlame send our condolences and good wishes to you all.
I also apologize for being absent the past couple of weeks, I got a new job (yay), and the hours have been taking some getting used-to. But I do hope everyone has been showing up for themselves these past few weeks.
So, we've seen a lot of movement happening in Pisces this month but to end the month:
Sun enters Aries on the 20th, the Spring Equinox, the first day of the astrological calendar. The sun will be exalted in Aries, giving us enthusiasm and energy to conquer as we boldly enter this new zodiac cycle.
Venus enters Aries on the 21st. For the following four weeks, love is bold, passionate and spontaneous. This could make us feel a bit impulsive when it comes to financial matters.
And, this month's full moon will be in Libra on the 28th. A time to make major decisions as we weigh all the options. This full moon encourages us to put our feelings into consideration before making the final choice.
Trusting our gut, trusting our intuition. There is a place of stillness in this practice. I have read so many books about the feminine intuition and the works of your body knowing before your mind. It is very easy to overlook this knowledge when you aren’t fully present with your thoughts and feelings.
I have found it extremely hard to understand my feelings and emotions, pretty much my whole life. I seem to always be on the go and can literally tell you something one minute, and not be able to repeat it because I forgot haha. Or rather hopping from one set of ideas to another in mid-conversation just because my mind is moving too fast.
We have so much going on that sometimes it’s really important to just sit with your thoughts and be present. One way to put this in practice is through Journaling.
Whether it be for reflection, progress, or manifesting, journaling is a great way to be present and in tune with your emotions! There are so many benefits to keeping a journal” You’ll improve your focus on your goals, you’ll boost your memory, you’ll reduce stress, and you’ll boost your mood.
TwinFlame has two types of journals:
Your daily journal allows you to capture your mood and write about your day. You can review your trends and moods over time, and review your journal entries.
Your reflective journal allows you to do some reflective writing- write about your feelings. Your writing can be analyzed and TwinFlame will provide you insights using the OCEAN/ BIG 5 personality model. Write in your journal, and after 100+ words.
You’ll see your insights in
Charts & Reports – Your Personality
The Personality Insights feature infers personality characteristics from textual information based on an open-vocabulary approach. This method reflects the latest trend in the research about personality inference.
It feeds this representation to a machine-learning algorithm that infers a personality profile with Big Five, Needs, and Values characteristics.

Big Five is one of the most studied of the personality models that were developed by psychologists. It is the most widely used personality model to describe how a person generally engages with the world.
OCEAN, where O stands for Openness, C for Conscientiousness, E for Extraversion, A for Agreeableness, and N for Neuroticism
The Needs aspect is an important aspect of human behavior. Research literature suggests that several types of human needs are universal and directly influence consumer behavior, it’s described in marketing literature as desires that people hope to fulfill when they consider a product or service.
The Values convey what is most important to an individual. They are "desirable, trans-situational goals, varying in importance, that serve as guiding principles in people's lives.
TwinFlame calls it ‘linguistic analysis’ – but in practice it feels like magic!
I have been in and out of the practice of journaling for the past 10 years. Like I said previously, my mind moves a lot faster than I can write. It seems like my hand isn’t as physically fit as my mind, and it can never keep up with the thoughts that flow through.
My sister, an avid journalist, with dozens of notebooks that she uses to manifest and reflect her thoughts advised me to try recording my thoughts rather than writing them. This was a great idea, except that I am a visual learner and I feel like I need to visual see writing to understand them.
So that’s why TwinFlame’s Journaling has been so helpful for me.
Journaling hack: I use the voice icon on the lower-left corner of my keyboard on my phone and it writes out what I am saying on the digital journal! This has allowed me to stay dedicated to the works of journaling in the way that best fits the way I express myself.
I also love that they give you curated questions you can focus on, you know, whenever you need a little help to get yourself started.
“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” Mina Murray